Sunday, July 12, 2009

I've got some new bands for my head

Because sometimes Saturday nights can end up going to waste, being completely unproductive, and because I was feeling particularly crafty this Saturday night, the girls and I decided to have a little headband-making festival. A trip to Robert's Crafts, 20 dollars and 3 hours later I'm set and ready to go with five new headbands: all complete with flowers, feathers and buttons.


  1. Um, you're incredible. Can I pay you to make me some?

  2. Stacie, your innovation is incredible! I was unaware that headband-decorating was among your many talents. I may have to enlist you to pimp out my sunglasses sometime.

  3. oh my goodness.
    oh my goodness.
    i found your blog through rockstar diaries.
    i saw that you left a message on estee's happy list.
    she is my sister.
    i love love love those headbands!
