Sunday, August 30, 2009

10 Things I Love About Provo:

1. Being reunited with friends that I haven't seen for months
2. Student wards and awkward lessons about eternal marriage
3. School
4. Killer Whale posters
5. Cousin lunches
6. Being just two blocks away from my brothers apartment
7. Always having a social event to attend
8. Coming home from ward prayer exhausted from socializing
9. It's only an hour away from home
10. Personal phone calls from grandma again


  1. i love number one on that list times x1380983145.

    can i see you again soon please?

  2. I MISS YOU! Provo has no idea what has hit! Drumroll please....... the amazing, fabulous, beautiful, talented, favorite sister ever... STACIE LOU!!!

    P.S. I feel like a part of my heart has been ripped out! I hate passing your perfect pink bedroom every time I go to my room without you in it! I LOVE YOU.

  3. Ditto on what Ang said!!!!! It is not the same around here without you!!! I love you.
