Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Learn to Park

Last night, I went over to my cousin's apartment to study a little Spanish, but let's be real, my main motive in going over there was to watch the latest episode of The Bachelor (it was excellent, if you didn't watch it, I highly recommend it). As I walked to my car and began to unlock the door, something caught my eye. Someone had posted a pale blue sticky note on the window of my door. I was very intrigued and proceeded to read it. My excitement quickly plummeted when I read the words: "LEARN TO PARK! xoxo Gossip Girl." Ouch.

I am very much aware of the fact that I'm a horrible driver. I'll be the first to admit that I'm even worse at parking. I'm actually quite perplexed at how I even passed drivers ed (on the first try I might add). But I have to say, this is the first time someone has taken the time to point out my weakness in writing. I found it comical at first, until I looked at my parking job and understood the necessity of the note. I'm still trying to convince myself that when I parked it must have been snowing, making it difficult to see the lines? I guess when I take up two parking spots with a small truck I deserve a note like that. I understand the message, but I'm a little confused at the Gossip Girl reference. If someone could explain I would greatly appreciate it. Now, I take full responsibility of my lousy parking job, but in my defense, have any of you ever driven a Toyota Tacoma? The turning radius is worse than...well I don't know anything to compare it to, but it is terrible. I'm telling myself that is part of the reason my parking was so ugly. Needless to say, when I parked my car again later that night I was very careful and precise in making sure I was perfectly centered in between the two white lines. I would appreciate it if someone could volunteer to periodically stick notes similar to this one on my car to remind me to focus on driving/parking safely and correctly. It was a memo that was much needed. So thank you "Gossip Girl".

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