1. My first overnight stay in Logan, Utah:
My dear friend, Kjarinda, was far too hospitable to me this weekend. I arrived in Logan at approximately 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon and she was the perfect host until I bid farewell 24 hours later. Her roommate, Candace, who I did not have the pleasure of meeting, was so kind as to let me drag her mattress into Kjarinda and Sadie's room to provide a suitable sleeping area for me. Those Logan folk sure are charitable. I look forward to many more overnight stays in Logan.
2. My first Sushi experience:
3. I Cleaned the Sink at Angie's for the first (and last) time:
4. The first time I stayed up until 6 in the a.m.:
I've had my fair share of 5 a.m.ers, but I have to admit, this is the first time I've seen 6:00. I can now say I've pulled a legitimate all-nighter. What were we doing until 6 a.m. you might ask? The night/morning consisted of playing card games (scum/nertz), watching The Prestige (I need to watch it again soon, because I didn't really get it, if anyone would like to accompany me, let me know), chatting about life and deep thoughts that occupy our minds, and we finished out the night by watching The Simpson's Movie (this was the first time I watched this movie, I thought it was funny, but I think a large reason for that is that I watched it at 4 a.m. and was a little delusional). Although the night was loads of fun and I thoroughly enjoyed the company and staying awake until 6, it hit me like a ton of bricks at about 7 o'clock the next night. I was completely exhausted and second guessing my decision to not sleep. Then I remembered how enjoyable it was, and admitted that it was completely worth it.
5. The first time I ate in "the pretty room":
Growing up, whenever we visited Grandma and Grandpa's house, the grandkids weren't allowed in "the pretty room". Being the rebellious children we were, we had a game that we played: when Grandma wasn't looking we would try to put one foot in the room without her noticing. It's strange that we got such a thrill out of it. As we've matured, she slowly began allowing us to 'visit' with the adults in there. It was a monumental day when we took our first legal steps in "the pretty room". Today however, does not even compare. We were all given permission to eat our pizza dinner in "the pretty room". Today, history was made. And it was everything I've ever dreamed of.
6. The first time I went to a Super Bowl party and didn't watch a minute of the game:
Eh, who am I kidding? I never watch the game. I guess a more appropriate title for this would be "the first time I had a good (or what I consider to be a good) excuse to not watch the game". The party itself was loads of fun and the people were even better. There's nothing like a good Super Bowl party. This may have been the best one I've been to: good food, good company, what else do you need?
All in all, it was a very memorable weekend, easily the funnest one of 2009. I can only hope that weekends similar to this one will occur frequently throughout my life.
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