Sunday, May 3, 2009

Plan to Be Suprised

Tonight for the "Sunday Night Film" my family watched one of my top five favorite movies: Dan in Real Life. For any of you who have not had the pleasure of watching this flick, get off of the computer, go rent it, and watch it asap. You won't be disappointed. I've seen this movie too many times to count and it has yet to get old. In fact, quite the opposite occurs, it gets better each time I view it; tonight I picked up on a few lines I have never before noticed. And they were lines that caused me to erupt with laughter. I thought long and hard about why I love this movie so much and I've come up with my top three reasons, read on to learn why.
  1. I feel like I'm watching family home videos when I watch it. There are several moments in the show when I realize this family is very (maybe too) similar to mine. That part when Dan comes home from the bookstore and within 2.7 seconds every human in the house knows about this "hottie" that he met: my family exactly. Everyone knows everything about everyone. Oh, I love it though. Remember the song "Ruthie Pigface Draper" that the brothers make up on the spot? Every time I watch it I feel like I am watching my dad and Uncle Rob. There is a good chance the directors of the movie got the idea for that scene from them...they just changed the lyrics. And that family talent show? Been there, done that. Unfortunately I haven't had an uncle sign up for "murderer of love" for their talent yet, give it time though and I'm sure it will take place. I love that my family is like this though, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. It definitely spices up our family reunions.
  2. The humor kills me every time. If you know me at all, you know it doesn't take much to make me laugh, but I bust a gut every time I watch this. I thought about it and I can't even come up with my one favorite line from the show, there are just too many good ones. Some of my favorites are: "Put it on my tab", "He's just starring into the vast void that used to be his future and you just happen to be in the way", "We so prefer her to you", "Even your sweat is beautiful", "YOU ARE A MURDERER OF LOVE", and "You guys broke up, right? Yeah two hours ago, we broke up two hours ago". Although you may not find much humor in these lines if you haven't seen the movie, those of you who have know what I'm talking about. I've been giggling out loud just typing them onto this computer screen. Something about Steve Carrell just cracks me up.
  3. The last line of the movie: Dan is talking and says something to the effect of, "Rarely things turn out as we planned. Maybe we should plan to be surprised." I don't know why I love that so much. I think it sums up life perfectly. I've learned that it's true, rarely things turn out exactly as we had planned. Maybe we should let loose and learn to love the surprise that living life brings. Who knew such a deep line could come from such a movie as Dan in Real Life. Humorous and's fabulous.

If I haven't convinced you of how superb this movie is, then I have failed. It really is one of my favs.

Oh, and it reminds me of my sister, Ang, who gets home from her mission in less than a month now! Wahoo!

Tribute: I feel a need to write a tribute to the lovely Miss Emily Gurecki, who informed me today is one of my avid readers. I miss her dearly and can't wait to see her in four months. Thank you for being such a dedicated reader and adding numbers to my blog counter. I love you mucho.


  1. Stacie - first of all, I miss you lots! And second, I LOVE Dan in Real Life. I'm so glad you posted this! I tell Amber she's a murder of love all the time ;)

  2. Stacie, that sounds like a (WAY) good movie. I just may see it sometime soon. I love that last line : Rarely things turn out as planned. Maybe we should plan to be surprised.

  3. I just saw this for the first time this year and I totally loved it! Just so very real and not Hollywood. totes awesome.
