Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My

Because I'm in Biology 100 and our final project is to visit a natural history location and write a report about our experience, I had the perfect excuse to go to the zoo this afternoon. Rather than go alone, I forced my brothers to attend with me {despite what they may say, I know that secretly they loved it} It's been years since I've been to the Hogle Zoo, but the second the nice gentleman took my ticket and I stepped inside, I was flooded with memories of my childhood. I don't even like animals, but an afternoon spent at the zoo is always a delightful experience.

Just a few more inches kid...

Black with white stripes or white with black stripes?

Random fun fact about elephants: they have the largest brain of any land mammal. Now you know.

The lion head drinking fountain seemed a lot bigger when i was four...that was the biggest disappointment of the day.
Next time you head to the zoo, I hope you have an enjoyable experience.
And now I'm off to write a report about the day; unfortunately, I don't think Professor Lee would accept a blog post...

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 07, 2009

    That was the biggest waste of time. Never again in my life will I be forced to go to the zoo.
    Love, Fabio
